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Sealaw đánh giá
Mẫu biểu cơ quan nhà nước phát hành, hướng dẫn
Ngày cập nhật
12/11/2014 3:00:23 PM
Loại tệp tin
1.000 VNĐ
Lượt tài về
Giới thiệu văn bản:
Hợp đồng bao gồm nhiều thỏa thuận giữa hai vợ chồng trong việc thực hiện trách nhiệm trước/trong/sau khi kết hôn: tài sản, ly hôn, trách nhiệm....template và văn phạm Anh Mỹ, bản tiếng Anh. Khi sử dụng cần điều chỉnh lại cho phù hợp pháp luật Việt Nam.
".....Whereas, the parties contemplate legal marriage under the laws of the State of ___________________, and it is their mutual desire to enter into this agreement so that they will continue to own and control their own property, and are getting married because of their love for each other but do not desire that their present respective financial interests be changed by their marriage.
Consideration is also given to the fact that ________________________, husband, is from _________(City)____________, ____(State)____, with considerable properties and holdings, and that _________________________, wife, has come from ____________________, Republic of the Philippines, from extreme poverty.
Now, therefore, it is agreed as follows:
1. Any and all property (and debts) which belongs to each of the above parties shall be, and shall forever remain, their personal estate, including all interest, rents, and profits which may accrue from said property, and said property shall remain forever free of claim by the other.
2. The parties shall have at all times the full right and authority, in all respects the same as each would have if not married, to use, sell, enjoy, manage, gift and convey all property which may presently belong to him or her.
3. In the event of a separation or divorce, the parties shall have no right against each other by way of claims for support, alimony, maintenance, compensation or division of property existing of this date."
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