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Purchase and sale of commitment agreement - Hợp đồng mua bán tài sản
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Thuộc tính Form mẫu chung
Sealaw đánh giá Đây là mẫu chuẩn đã kiểm chứng, đạt điểm 8/10
Ngày cập nhật 4/23/2017 10:51:39 PM
Loại tệp tin
Phí 3.000 VNĐ
Lượt tài về 0
Giới thiệu văn bản:
This is Purchase and sale of commitment agreement. The contract included 15 terms and regulated rights and obligations of parties.
By this Agreement and pursuant to law, the COMMITTED SELLER promises to sell to the COMMITTED PURCHASER, and the later promises to purchase the aforementioned property by the certain and agreed price of R$... (....)
The installments will be adjusted annually by the IGPM index of FGV (General Price Index compiled by Getúlio Vargas Foundation - FGV), not having it, by the IPC (Consumer Price Index), considering as a base date, the signature of the Contract hereto.
The settlement of this contract will be as follows:
3.1 - A down payment in the value of R$ ( ), being the present instrument suitable as a receipt and earnest money in benefit of the other party, to the one that caused the termination of the Contract hereof.
3.2 - ( ) successive monthly installments of R$ ( ), the first installment being due on and the last installment being due on
3.3 - Because there is a check-clearing period, the payments made by checks will be considered paid-off only after their actual clearing.
3.4 - The payments of the installments will be made EXCLUSIVELY through bank billing issued by the COMMITTED SELLER in its favor, and in the event the payment vouchers are not received at the COMMITTED PURCHASER s address, they shall be required at the COMMITTED SELLER s office, at least two days before the due date.
3.5 In case of relocation, the COMMITED PURCHASER(s) is (are) obliged to communicate in writing to the COMMITTED SELLER, the new address, at the most within 10 (ten) days after the actual address change, under penalty of not being able to plead, subsequently, the non- receipt of the bank bill regarding the respective month installment, and any notices, notifications, judicial or extrajudicial notification, or even, any correspondence related to the present Contract.

Ghi chú: File mẫu có thể là định dạng JPG hoặc PDF (không sửa xoá trực tiếp được) và được nén bằng RAR. Quí khách dùng phần mềm giải nén khi sử dụng (xem chuyên mục Hướng dẫn - Đăng ký & sử dụng mẫu tại web).
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