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Bộ 02 mẫu hợp đồng - ĐẶT TIỆC - dịch vụ nấu ăn, phục vụ tiệc cho các sự kiện, hiếu, hỷ - tiệc cưới, hội nghị.... Tiếng Anh. Catering Agreement, Catering Service Contact
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Loại văn bản Cung cấp Dịch vụ
Mục đích sử dụng Đặc thù
Ngôn ngữ sử dụng Tiếng Anh
Chủ thể Hai bên: Cá nhân - Tổ chức
Số lượng trang 6
Thuộc tính Giao dịch thực tế
Sealaw đánh giá Đây là mẫu chuẩn đã kiểm chứng, đạt điểm 8/10
Ngày cập nhật 12/6/2014 11:24:00 AM
Loại tệp tin
Phí 3.000 VNĐ
Lượt tài về 7
Giới thiệu văn bản:
02 mẫu ĐẶT TIỆC (dịch vụ nấu ăn) phục vụ tiệc cho các sự kiện, hiếu, hỷ. Tiếng Anh, văn phạm Anh Mỹ. Khi sử dùng cần điều chỉnh lại chút (địa điểm, thuế, loại tiền giao dịch...) cho phù hợp pháp luật Việt Nam.

1. TERM: Client and caterer agree that this Catering Agreement between the parties is for catering service that shall commence on, _____________________, at ______ AM/PM and catering service shall continue until _______AM/PM ______________, 20__. Said agreement may be extended and/or renewed by agreement of all parties in writing thereafter.
2. Event Details:
a. Date of Event: _____________________________
b. Location: _____________________
c. Client Estimated Guests Count ____________
1.) Guests with special dietary __
d. Client agrees to a final guest count 15 days prior to the event.
e. All specific services to be provided are contained in the proposal provided by The XXXXXXXXX catering company, LLC. Attached hereto as Attachment “A”, and by this reference is incorporated to this binding agreement.
3. Date Charge: Client shall agree to pay a non refundable charge to secure the date of the event. The Date Charge is a non-refundable charge to the Caterer for removing the date from availability from other potential clients. Client agrees to a Date Booking Charge of $_____________ Which will be posted as date line item on the final bill as such, The date booking fee is calculated as:  50 (fifty) percent of the menu base price,  50 (fifty) percent of total event cost including rentals, decorations, tax, etc.  A lump sum based on a percentage of expected event costs. The minimum Date charge is $500.00. The Date Charge is due on contract signing and the date will be taken off the market the day the check is delivered.
4. Settlement of Balance Due: Balance due to caterer by client shall be the TOTAL event contract costs, including state and local sales taxes where applicable, less the Date Charge and any further deposits made on the contract account.
a. Client agrees to pay Caterer all monies due and payable no later than 15 days prior to the scheduled event, unless otherwise agreed upon by the client and caterer in writing and attached to this contract.
b. Client agrees to pay a guaranteed fee assessed for the minimum number of _______ guests, at the cost of $__________ per guest, this number may not be reduced.
Client agrees to pay the additional amount of $_________ for each additional guest if the count is raised less then 14 days prior to the event.

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